How are 3D animations produced and created?
Animation is the creation of animated images using a computer. Today's 3D animation is an innovative and developed form of stop motion animation. The process of creating a 3D animation with 3D computer graphics has become normal these days, however, the fact that old-school 2D computer graphics are still prevalent for specific and conventional needs cannot be compromised. 3D animation can be a target for various reasons. We have all witnessed exclusive use of 3D animations in movies, first hand. Moreover, the advancement in technology has allowed the acclimatization of highly complex 3D animations in various aspects of business and education. The use of 3D animation has also greatly facilitated the work of designers and artists and given them an influence on their contemporaries still clinging to older mediums. 3D animation can be divided into three main parts or categories: character drawing and modeling, design, animation, and 3d rendering china . ...